This will also get us to start thinking about deck construction, as well as learning about how decks work from different formats. This is aimed at new and experienced players. If you're more experienced, be nice and help the newer players.
Therefore, we have come up with the:
Constructed Proxy Challenge
Rules (in no particular order):
- You still need to follow the deck rules of the format decided - ie. only 4 of a card unless it is banned / restricted or otherwise.
- You need to build a deck of 60 cards minimum with a maximum 15 card sideboard.
- All cards in your library should be indistinguishable face down.
- How you get the cards is up to you. You can either use real ones, or proxy the entire deck.
- Proxy cards are allowed - that's where you photocopy / print out a card off the internet and put it in a sleeve in front of a real card.
- If you proxy a card with just writing the name of it on a slip of paper, that's fine - but be sure you know what it does. If challenged, and you get it wrong, it means you loose the game.
- Play as little or as much as you like - we're not keeping score (yet).
- The "theme" (build constructs) will change ever month on the 15th, and I will attempt to announce the next theme around the start of the month to give people 2 weeks to get an idea of what to build.
- This is not a work event - play whenever you want - whomever you want. Send this out to others if you think they want to play too.
- You are not restricted on where you get the card list for the deck - research on the internet - copy something you see - have your own idea - all good!
- Each match is the best of 3 games. 2 games wins is a match win. You can sideboard only between games. You can only swap cards out of your deck with the entire pool between matches.
- Play whomever you choose. It does not have to be anyone known. Take these rules and start your own group.
This "Fog" card - - is the same functionally as this "Fog" card - - and since "Fog" was printed in M14, any / either version is allowed to be used / proxied in your deck. Any printing of the "Lightning Bolt" card cannot be used, as it was not printed in the M14 set.
Additional Resources:
Site to make a sheet of proxiesRules of the game
Ban / restricted cards
Differrent game formats